Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Debits and credits

Finish your homework

I don't know how stronger I can say this. Do your homework. Try it. Figure it out. Do it. This is a critical chapter to do your homework. This sets up the rest of the year.

Got done chapter 2 lecture last night. Started using the term debit and credit. Still see some blank looks but should be better after we do the homework on Thursday. Hopefully the tatoo idea helps. Josie was excited about the idea of fresh ink.

Told my donkey story so hopfully that reminds people of recieving cash not donkeys.

Still having issues with the myaccounting lab. I sent the last update they sent me so respond to that. Maybe if we all complain it will get fixed.

Krystal was mia. I guess Ariel and her can share notes.

Reyna got a online textbook but doesn't have a computer to use during class. Ariel got the chopped up version online.

Candice doesn't have a bow. She only deals with semi-automatic weapons while riding around in her tank.

Linda dropped the class and has a book to sell if anyone is interested.

Andrew loves writing checks.

Took some pictures of the class and myGPcloud. Make sure you send me all your pictures so I can get a good one for our case study with Microsoft.


Finish your homework


Unknown said...

Hey Doug,
You really expanded your blog's soundtrack. I have a few songs I like lately...Have you heard Cold War Kids, or "Revival" by Soulsavers, or "Weighty Ghost" by Wintersleep? I like to do accounting to the White Stripes lately :)
Not doing the HOMEWORK??? Remind your class about me, always did my homework and on to a glorious life of numbers and a few more dollars an hour. Seriously they need to take advantage of your knowledge and not be fooled by your smiley exterior.
He's tough as nails on the inside, kids. Get involved with your education!
Ashley Lohr
Former pupil

Anonymous said...

Wow! There sure is a LOT! and it takes a bit of time to figure out where to put the figures! But slowly, VERY slowly it is starting to make a little more sense. Some of it seems a little counterintuitive, hopefully one day it makes perfect sense!

Anonymous said...

Just when we start getting things down with T accounts and all we have to shift to other things. I think we can all make it through this class. Just remember everyone we get out what we put in. If anyone wants or needs a study partner let me know. The more we work with the problems an do the work the better we get.
Josie Fox

Anonymous said...

Haha funny about my semi auto in the tank... I'll try my best to remember to send you those pics... remind me. And i'll have to figure out how to do that too I supose...
