Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Orleans

Had a great time in New Orleans. See my other blog for in depth coverage of the conference.

Had a few good stories. This one is probably the funnest (non-incriminating), stolen from the other blog I do.

Food at conference overall has been good. Great food around the area. Went to Palace Cafe last night and had a great seafood plate. The night started with a dinner invite with Rick from Ascentis. We cabbed it to some local restaurant up Canal Street. After sitting down to a meal we discovered they only accepted cash. Rick didn't have cash so we ended up waiting outside for a half an hour for another cab. Beautiful night so it was nice to be outside. After a great meal at Palace Cafe Rick tried to pay with his one and only credit card. Which ended up being declined. We watch a grown man sweat, turn green, cry and almost pass out and am pretty sure he was begging the waiter for a job in the back to do dishes. We let him off the hook but probably will have some explaining to do to Linda for the hefty bill. ha.


Rich came by the next day (I changed the name from Rich to Rick to protect him a little bit and I doubt anyone is reading this blog so no need to be too secretive) and he gave us peace offerings of coffee mugs and pens. Nice guy and I felt bad for him but for some reason we couldn't stop laughing at him (with him) while this was all taking place.

My roommate did snore. I was surprised I got any sleep actually. We didn't come in before 2 am any night so it didn't make much difference anyways.

Giving a test tonight. Mary-Liz is MIA. Anyone find out the scoop on her?

Everyone said they spent the whole week studying for this test. I expect high flying grades. Although Ashley did admit she did most of her studying on chair 1, 4, and 7.

Scratched 2 MC questions already and the class in only 25 mins in. Could be interesting marking this one.

Homework: Read Chapter 19

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