Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chapter 20 class

Got done the homework and gave out a quiz for chapter 19. Started the lecture for chapter 20.

Lost some people on the equivalent units part of process costing. We'll do more tonight so it makes more sense.

Love to get updates from students when they are not in class. I often think they just decided to skip so they don't have to sit through another boring accounting class.

I was thinking the below excuse would have been something Ashley could have come up with. Alas only our friend from the north would have something like this happen to her. I think she's telling the truth. How could you actually make this up and expect anyone to believe you.

Actual email from student:

I wanted to let you know I'm not sure I am going to be able to make it in to class today. It was very cold and snowing this morning so as I always have to when it's cold, I started my hay truck to warm up as it is a diesel. I thought the truck died in the driveway, but when I went out it was gone. The emergency break failed and the truck rolled through the yard, through a fence and down an embankment... and hit a tree... so, I am stuck waiting to see if it can even be fixed, and how long that will take.


This email made my day.

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