Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chapter 21

Finished lecture and homework for Chapter 21. Saw lots of fear in everyones eyes about all the contribution margin/variable costs formulas. Hopefully going through the homework helped some instead of confusing everyone. Hard part about it is you can figure out the problems in several different ways. We did one problem and we saw 4 different ways to get to the same answer. I could say my way is the correct way and mark all others wrong but I suppose even I'm not that vain.

Max got a question right last night but was surprised so don't know if that's a good thing or not. Nikki almost made it through half of the class. Josh got his hands on a new truck. Appraisal business must be doing well. Mary-Liz got a car. Hope she has better luck with the car than her hay truck. Tammi had a good...boating trip up the missouri? Julie quit her wretched job at the bank and got a job cooking at the HuHot on 93. Liz is starting her project on Ace Hardware.

I was in a little bit of a cynical mood last night. Made several teasing remarks about engineers, lawyers and about squeezing profit by outsourcing jobs to other countries. Must be the fact of having to come back to school after such a nice break.

Test next class. Make sure Debbie knows she needs to make an appearance finally.

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