Monday, November 15, 2010

Chapter 9

Got through a lot of chapter 9 but will have a bit to go to meet our deadline this week. We have to finish the chapter, get done homework and go over the test which is on Thursday. We just have to cover intangible assets so that will only be around 20 mins of lecture.

Hope everyone is spending some time on the project. I heard one team is having issues finishing the rolling portion. Please get this done soon or we'll have to break you up and have you go your own seperate ways just so this can get done.

Project is due on the 30th. Time is creeping away.








Denise said...

My GOAL-- do the homework and prepare for the test on Thursday. PROJECT this weekend! Gotta get to it so I can ask questions before Thanksgiving weekend!! HOLY COW it is coming up quick!

k_doll said...

So I got the monopoly game done and I think I did good compared to last time with the group. I didn't go into debt!!!!!!