Friday, September 3, 2010

Chapter 2

I see something funny on the myaccountinglab site. The only student signed up is Cami and she's the one that dropped. ha. It worked for her somehow so not sure why everyone else is having troubles and she's not around to ask the secret to signing up. I sent a support request into the tech support guys so hopefully we'll have this fixed soon.

Got through chapter 1 in flying form. Told too many stories so didn't quite get to explain debit's and credit's fully. I see two years ago I did a blog on this topic. Funny that I'm doing the same stuff I did way back when.  We'll finish chapter 2 on Tuesday and go through the homework.

Ariel skipped class because she was tired from working at the new Walmart. She's a greeter at the main entrance so make sure you say hi and encourage her to come to class next time.

Krystal is a good example for us all as she still came to class even though Ariel was tempting her with pizza and ice cream and a full night of rolling each others hair.

Josie showed up to take Cami's place.

Reyna was trying to do the homework problem with out looking at the question in the book. I think I saw her meditating before class so that explains a lot.

You learn a lot about students from thier email addresses. Any guesses who huntergurl27 is? or mtgolfer?

We learned you can make big money from animal excriment last night.

I admited to naming my first born kid Debit and second born kid Credit. I could tell Candice believed me. The rest of you were too polite to smile in case I was serious. I love a new class of students who haven't heard any of my jokes. I've been working hard to get this routine down just right.

No one really expects more than a B in the class and some are ok with anything above a D+ so that makes my job easier. I was hoping someone would at least say "I only get A's."

No one has looked at the blog so I can keep telling stories about you for my own pleasure.

Read chapter 2




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