Friday, September 17, 2010


Good class last night. Lots of interaction and since Reyna and Ariel were missing we only had 6 people there to do homework with. Hopefully Ariel does her homework so she can't say "I just don't get this". Ariel, you know if you came to class you would get it.

Candice spends most of the class texting. I'm thinking she's filling in her friends on debits and credits or retelling my funny jokes. there are three types of accountants. Those who can count and those who can't.  I don't get it. me either. Lame.

Andrew is getting things. Looks like sitting at the back isn't that bad.

Me and Denise were in the zone talking debits and credits.

I think Eric sits at the front because he wants an A.

Krystal is great to have in class. I don't know if she is paying that close of attention but she always smiles and kind of fake laughs at my jokes. At this point I know how to pretend people are enjoying the class. It's the little things that makes coming in at 7 pm 2 nights a week worth while.

I'm kind of in a sarcastict mood as you can tell. Spent all day fixing problems. No one yelled at me today so at least I have that.

Everyone should be on myaccountinglab now. Let me know if you are not.

No class on Tuesday. I'll be in "Fardakota" as my 3 year old girl is saying.


Finish up homework for chapter 3.


Anonymous said...

I talked accounting to a guy from canada at my job, which was weird but kind of funny because i never have done that before. He was asking me about case studies and t accounts and stuff and i actually knew what he was talking about... so maybe ill get your jokes soon!

Anonymous said...

That is awsome Candice. I feel the same way now when people talk accounting I have a better understanding.