Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Last day of the semester

Giving the final test on the last day of classes. Had a great semester but looking forward to a nice long break. I'm taking the week after Christmas off from my regular job and hope to spend most of my time up at the Big. Lots of snow coming down right now which makes me really giddy. Got the projects marked so only have the final to go.

Hope everyone has a good Christmas and hope to see everyone back here in January.

Even you Camas. At least stay in school even if you don't hang out with the cool kids in accounting, education is worth it.

Happy Holidays.


david said...

Hey Doug, I'll see you on the 19th. Thank you for everything,hopefully you had a GREAT christmas. Happy New Year to you and your's, David and family...

david said...

You need to quit debiting and crediting for a minute and update your Picture with the new babe !!!

Blessings, David..