Thursday, April 30, 2009


Well the day is finally here. Project is due tonight. That means we are almost to the end. One more little test and maybe a quiz or two left. The final is May 12th which is also the last day of class.

We Finished chapter 22 and started chapter 23. I gave out homework but would be surprised if anyone did any of it.


•P23-26A 1, 2, 3
•P23-29A 1,2

Friday, April 24, 2009

Chapter 22

Gave back the test and everyone looked overjoyed from the results.

Project due next week. Got through chapter 22 and one question for the homework. Spent our time talking about budgets for business and personal endeavors. Key is to do one. You'll come up with what works for you.


Chapter 22 -


Chapter 23-

•P23-26A 1, 2, 3
•P23-29A 1,2

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Test Day

Got to class late so everyone could fill out the surveys. Guess from here on out I don't need to try since that's over with. Yes, I do try to be entertaining occasionally. It's not the easiest task to keep people awake during process costing at 8pm.

Julie informed everyone she got fired from Huhot. She's had a run of bad luck in the job market lately. I've been told if you get laid off but are going to school you don't get unemployment benefits. Pretty sucky.

Project due date is fast approaching. Haven't had any turned in yet for review. Not required but might be a good idea.

Was asked to teach next years night accounting class again. Poor people. Don't know what FVCC has against you poor students. It's one thing to come back to ACCT 202 in the winter after taking 201 from me. You kind of know the torture you're putting yourself through. It's another thing entirely to doom students to a semester of my unsilly jokes, unwitty humor, and uninspiring lectures. I hymned and hawed as I'm not sure of my plans for next year. Baby is due in early October. Contemplating moving back to Canada at some point. I reluctantly said yes as they offered me free parking and the highest wages FVCC offers to part-time, adjunct, night class faculty.


Read chapter 22 (only 4 chapters left in the book)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chapter 21

Finished lecture and homework for Chapter 21. Saw lots of fear in everyones eyes about all the contribution margin/variable costs formulas. Hopefully going through the homework helped some instead of confusing everyone. Hard part about it is you can figure out the problems in several different ways. We did one problem and we saw 4 different ways to get to the same answer. I could say my way is the correct way and mark all others wrong but I suppose even I'm not that vain.

Max got a question right last night but was surprised so don't know if that's a good thing or not. Nikki almost made it through half of the class. Josh got his hands on a new truck. Appraisal business must be doing well. Mary-Liz got a car. Hope she has better luck with the car than her hay truck. Tammi had a good...boating trip up the missouri? Julie quit her wretched job at the bank and got a job cooking at the HuHot on 93. Liz is starting her project on Ace Hardware.

I was in a little bit of a cynical mood last night. Made several teasing remarks about engineers, lawyers and about squeezing profit by outsourcing jobs to other countries. Must be the fact of having to come back to school after such a nice break.

Test next class. Make sure Debbie knows she needs to make an appearance finally.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Break

Hope everyone is having a good spring break. Just thought I'd make sure everyone has the homework for next class.

Also wanted to point out how much fun you could be having with your project this week. Just think of how wonderful it would be on a river camping trip to pull out your laptop and analyse a company while your kids paddle the canoe. Or reading out of the accounting text book around the campfire at night. All your friends and family would thank you for the poetic prose for sure.

If you get your project done early, hand it in so I can give suggestions etc.


•P21-27A 1,2,3
•P21-28A 1,2,4
•P21-29A 1,2,4
•P21-30A 1 (break even point), 2,3

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April fools

OK, I can see you are way too smart for me. I was hoping I'd get a lot of hate mail come my way but suppose even if I had class next week no one would show up anyways.

We got done most of the homework last class. One question left and I could see most had not attempted the question so I sent everyone home to at least try it before I went through the question.

Tonight we will finish homework from chapter 20, start lecture for chapter 21, then go over the test for the unit. After spring break we have one class to wrap up chapter 21.

CVP analysis is way more fun than process costing so hopefully I can keep everyone awake tonight.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Class next week

I just wanted to let everyone know that we are way behind in our lectures and homework so will need to hold class next week during spring break.

Please let me know if this will be a problem.